I believe Partnership Ministries has been raised up by the Lord to challenge the Church of Jesus to look carefully at our past and to see how the past relates to where the Church is today.
This policy will outline our organization’s guidelines respecting your privacy and the protection of personal information. This policy will apply to Partnership Ministries.
Why We Collect Personal Information
Partnership Ministries collects and discloses personal information about a variety of individuals, including donors, subscribers, employees, volunteers, teachers, intercessors and ministers.
In the case of donors, we collect personal information in order to properly identify you for our tax and accounting records, to provide you with information about the use of donated funds, to inform you about future and related fund-raising initiatives and to inform you about the needs of our organization. We respect your right to privacy and rights as a donor. We share your personally identifiable information with third parties where you authorize us to share it, or if sharing the information is necessary to process a donation (for example, to process a credit card transaction) or as required or permitted by law. Partnership Ministries does not exchange or trade in any way the names of donors participating in campaigns, unless specifically authorized by the relevant individual.
In voluntarily subscribing for newsletters or product specials, whether by mail or on the internet, subscribers provide basic contact information to us, and sometimes credit card or other payment information. We use that information to provide the material or product to you, to process payment, to track your utilization of our resources and to recommend other products or services that we believe may be of interest to you.
With respect to employees and volunteers, we collect personal information in order to manage and supervise the employment or volunteer relationship between our organization and the individual. The information is not utilized for any other purpose without your consent.
Teachers, Intercessors and Ministers
In the case of our teachers, intercessors and ministers, personal information is collected with consent in order to verify qualifications, match participants with appropriate programs and enable the proper use of Partnership Ministries’ resources in fulfilling our mandate and operational goals.
The Kinds of Information We Collect
Our organizations collect widely varying types of personal information, depending on the circumstances. What we collect depends on the particular purpose for collection and the particular circumstances involved. For example, employee information includes certain medical and health information. Information about donors only includes fairly limited contact information and such other information as the donor specifically volunteers to us in connection with their contribution to the organization. Teachers, intercessors and ministers provide us with more detailed background information. Subscribers voluntarily supply us with name, address, phone number and email particulars.
How We Obtain the Personal Information
Most of the personal information collected by Partnership Ministries is collected directly by our representatives from either donors, employees, volunteers, teachers, intercessors and ministers. On occasion we receive information from other charities or organizations with similar mandates. We may on occasion receive the names of direct mail donors from other organizations which have compiled donor lists with the consent of donors. We attempt to ensure in all such cases that the organization that originally collected the information and provided it to us has complied with all applicable rules and obligations.
In many cases, the consent of the individual providing information to us is inferred from the circumstances in which the information is provided. On occasion, as with compilation of donor information, we rely on specific donor consent or provide the individual with an opportunity to “opt out” of participation in certain programs.
Disclosure of Personal Information
Disclosure of donor information is restricted to our own purposes, and disclosure outside the organization is generally limited to those circumstances where consent has been provided. With respect to employee and volunteer information, the Association may from time to time disclose that information to affiliated organizations or to third party service providers. In all cases, disclosure may be made to legal counsel and other consultants and agents, to government authorities and otherwise as permitted or required by law.
Security of Personal Information
Personal information recorded in documents is securely stored at the Partnership Ministries premises and affiliated offices. Electronically recorded information is stored on computer systems maintained by us and our affiliated organizations or service providers. Those computer systems and the information stored in them are protected by electronic security systems. We restrict access to personal information to only those employees or volunteers who have a legitimate purpose in doing so. Employees who routinely handle personal information receive training with respect to proper personal information handling practices and they are under an obligation to comply with all privacy laws, this policy and any related codes of conduct.
Our compliance with appropriate personal information practices and privacy laws is overseen by and it is the responsibility of our Chief Privacy Officer who can be contacted by writing Partnership Ministries, PO Box 2062, Sidney BC, V8L 3S3
The Association is committed to the accuracy of any personal information that is in its custody or control.
Access to Personal Information
Upon written request and subject to any reasonable conditions which we may be entitled to impose, Partnership Ministries will provide reasonable access to an individual to review the personal information in the custody or control of Partnership Ministries relating to that individual. Access will not be provided if doing so would likely reveal personal information about a third party, is the subject of solicitor/client privilege, would reveal confidential commercial information, relates to an investigation or proceeding, or we are otherwise required or permitted to withhold access by law.
Partnership Ministries may amend this policy from time to time at its discretion. The current version of our Privacy Policy is always available by writing Partnership Ministries, PO Box 2062, Sidney BC, V8L 3S3
Complaint Resolution Procedure
Any questions or complaints should be directed in writing to our Chief Privacy Officer, who will investigate as appropriate and provide a written response, usually within 30 days.