There has never been a time when The Church needed accurate, prophetic discernment regarding the times in which we live as it does now.
A:We are called to be stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. Our property – our assets – all we possess, in fact, belongs to the Lord! Just as the King of Nineveh decreed that every man and beast was to be covered with sackcloth during a fast (Jonah 3:8) – and just as Obed-Edom’s household and assets were blessed while the Ark of the Covenant was in their midst (1 Chronicles 13:14), so it is that the Presence of the Lord does affect everything that is part of our life and work. Practical prayer is a discipline of learning how to ensure that what we have and what we do comes under the Rule and Reign of the God in our lives. As his stewards we are removing what is corrupt and contrary to His plans for us (Jeremiah 1:10 – Luke 3:9) – and appropriating His promises and protection and presence in our midst – and over what we steward on His behalf. It is both a blessing from the Lord and also a Godly responsibility that we understand the importance of stewarding all that we have in His Name, since we do live in a time of ever-increasing spiritual concerns, as well as in an age of compromise and deception. Therefore, learning how to guard, keep, and occupy in a practical manner is a exercise of prayer that is a key component of our stewardship responsibility.
More extended teaching on this topic and other topics can be found in occasional and downloadable papers presented in the Members Section and within the books and DVDs available in the Shop.