Our Doctrine

There has never been a time when The Church needed accurate, prophetic discernment regarding the times in which we live as it does now.

Steven Fry, Senior Pastor, The Gate Church
President, Messenger Fellowship International Worship Leader/Teacher Tennessee, USA

Our Doctrine

Partnership Ministries is a teaching, research, discipling and servant ministry to the local, national, and international church, offering programs, seminars, webcasts and resources as tools for the 21st century church including leadership consultation, community diagnostics, intercessory prayer, healing, reconciliation and transformation in Christ.

The ministry team and Board of Partnership Ministries affirm the doctrines and Biblical mandate of the “history of the faith once received”. We endorse the theology and vision statement of The Lausanne Covenant, believing Scripture to be the infallible Word of God, and affirming Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord being God’s revelation of His love and His message of salvation to the world. We believe that God has released His gifts and power on the earth today, and that through the message of His Church the heart of the Father is revealed to the world. We value the five-fold ministry gifts as tools God has given for the equipping of His Church as we participate in preparing communities, cites, and nations to enter into their unique purpose and call in Christ.

Partnership Ministries is connected and working with several national and international ministries as well as Kingdom-based businesses. We offer consultation and training schools, seminars, webcasts and webinars, and conferences to both individual leaders as well as leadership groups both locally and globally. We have available a variety of resources including books, workbooks, manuals, and DVD teachings which include entire Power Point presentations and on-site interviews recorded in various places throughout the global arena.

Partnership Ministries is a Canadian incorporated ministry with charitable tax status in Canada. We are funded through individual donors, mission giving from churches, from seminar and conference fees, and through the development of our own resources. However, our most valuable asset is the prayers of many faithful friends and colleagues.