Alistair and Marie Petrie are always a blessing to us and a very welcomed breath of fresh air when they visit us here in their role as spiritual overseers for our church. They have proven to be a wealth of blessing every time they come.

Rick Barker, Senior Pastor
Cariboo Christian Life Fellowship British Columbia, Canada

Who We Are

A ministry for the 21st Century Church combining prayer and research that prepares Communities, Cities, Nations, and the Marketplace for Lasting Revival, Authentic Transformation, and the release of the Kingdom Culture.

Partnership Ministries is a mission-based ministry fully endorsing the Lausanne Covenant, and working in accountability with a Board of Directors consisting of leaders from various spheres of church and business backgrounds. We represent many years of residential pastoral work, hands-on experience in the marketplace arena, and extensive research and involvement in the worldwide community, We partner with church, marketplace, and community leaders representing a broad spectrum of ministry experience. Our passion is Luke 1:37 – ”For nothing is impossible with God.”

Ministries That We Offer

  • Leadership Consultative Seminars and Workshops for the 21st Century Church
  • Community and City Transformation seminars and conferences
  • Learning about the tools of effective Diagnostic Research and Intercessory Prayer
  • Preparing a community, City, and a Nation for Revival
  • Foundations of Community Development workshop and leadership seminars
  • Biblical Principles for Cleansing, Preparing, and Healing The Land.
  • Schools for Marketplace Ministry preparing and ministering to leaders who have a calling to the Marketplace
  • Live Webcast Teaching and Training
If any of these areas describe how we can help you in your region, then please contact us with your inquiry.  We look forward to hearing from you.