I have known Dr. Petrie for over a decade and admire his authenticity in using Scriptures as basis for teaching. The Lord has given him much insight into global situations from a Biblical perspective.
A:This is a term that is used to explain the appropriation of an authority God gives to us in an area of our life where earlier there may have been a weakness – a vulnerability – an area in which sin was able to access our life and impede our growth and personal transformation in our Christian walk. By addressing such areas specifically, what was once an area of vulnerability can instead become an area in which the authority of Christ as released through the Cross addresses that particular issue and it no longer has the same access in our life and work. Instead, we now have an authority in that area in which we can minister into the lives of other people who have experienced the same problem. Furthermore, loss can be turned into gain and the power of the Cross restores whatever the locusts may have destroyed (c.f. Joel 2:25) This reference can refer to relationships – integrity – ministry – collegiality – finances – and overall productivity of life – as well as the harvest on the land itself. The Blood of Christ cleanses us from sin – but the appropriation of this authority within specific areas of our lives results in a life that now reflects that victory of Christ in what previously had been areas of defeat.
More extended teaching on this topic and other topics can be found in occasional and downloadable papers presented in the Members Section and within the books and DVDs available in the Shop.
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