Frequently Asked Questions

After attending the teaching on 21st Century Marketplace, I never look at a newspaper or watch the news on television the same way.  Each event is significant in the structure of our society, and significantly impacts the spiritual and natural realms in which we live.

Jim Person, Director C.E.E.D. Centre
Ellel Central & Eastern Europe; Development Hungary

A: This question is raised regularly these days. The quick answer is no. Renewal is the stirring up of the people of God in a given area to the love and purpose of God with a fresh awareness of the activity of the Holy Spirit and a return to the seeking of God’s power in their lives. It is an empowering of the Holy Spirit and an enrichment of the fruit of the Spirit in their lives, often releasing a new discovery of praise and adoration and worship with a fresh understanding of God’s call in our lives.

Revival is the “reviving” or “restoration” of the Presence of God returning to His people in order that His Presence lives in their midst thus affecting every part of life in that Church in a corporate and collective manner. A new desire for prayer and a new urgency to respond to the purposes of God begins to descend upon people both within and beyond the church walls. Conversions begin to increase and a Fear of the Lord begins to descend upon an area. The people in that area have extended an invitation for the Lord to come and dwell in their midst and they are willing to submit every aspect of life under His Kingdom Rule and Reign.

Transformation, meanwhile, becomes the result of lasting Revival in that the very fabric of life in any given area then begins to respond to the activity and Presence of God at work. In time the various components of life in that area begin to reflect the activity of God’s Presence through changed lives and a heightened sense of the values of the Kingdom of God at every level of life. Today there are hundreds of examples of communities and cities that have received a Divine visitation which, when stewarded correctly by the people of God, became authentic Transformation. While not perfection, the change in many of the components of corporate life can be easily discerned in which the Presence of God has affected the social and economic aspects of a community as well as even the ecology itself.

Renewal, Revival, and Transformation all represent God’s amazing love for His people at different levels and intensities. The amazing thing is that He longs to dwell in the midst of His people and we are living in a day and age in which we are witnessing this taking place in various locations even prior to the Return of Christ. However, the extent to which Transformation takes place depends on the willingness of people to listen to the Lord individually and collectively, and then their willingness to respond to what He is saying.

More extended teaching on this topic and other topics can be found in occasional and downloadable papers presented in the Members Section and within the books and DVDs available in the Shop.