Bringing Transformation to the Marketplace
In this newest edition to the Releasing the Kingdom of Heaven series, this book is about releasing the Kingdom of God into the Marketplace. It explains how to transform our communities and cities through individual businesses and seeing business as ministry, and ministry as business.
For several years Partnership Ministries has been working closely with those in the business sector of life – developing a marketplace template for “Kingdom Business”. This means having a Business in which the Rule and Reign of Jesus has complete authority and responsibility.
Does such an entity really exist? The answer is YES! However, there are non-negotiable principles involved in seeing how a Kingdom Business is formed and developed and how it operates in the midst of an increasingly secularized society.
When applied under His direction and following Biblical principles – these Kingdom Businesses become part of the process God uses to turn a city to Himself.
What Others are Saying About This Book
There is a secret caste system in the Church that suggests ministry is a “higher calling” than business. This is simply bad theology. Alistair Petrie in his short but powerful book, God’s Footprint in Business, constructs a compelling case for the ministry of business. We are all called to be disciples who are disciple-makers, and each of us, with our own unique talent-set, contributes to building the Kingdom of God, each of us being equal in value to God because we are doing His work. Petrie’s case for Kingdom business finds that we are at our best when we work together, in harmony, with complementary skills… and God is glorified in our work. Don’t miss this excellent treatise on this timely subject.
Mark L. Maxwell
President – Prairie College, Three Hills, AB, Canada
In God’ Footprint in Business, Alistair Petrie has given us a glimpse into the importance of the spiritual realm of business, and its role for success in our work life calling. Alistair brings valuable insights into understanding the unique relationship between generational sins and any open doors that could hinder success in our work – life call. I highly recommend this book for every serious follower of Christ who wants to operate in a Kingdom marketplace call.
Os Hillman
President – Markplace Leaders, Cumming, USA
Author – Today God is First
I have had the pleasure of being a student of Alistair’s work for a few years now and it is a book like this which so easily explains why. In a few short chapters he succinctly captures every key thing a Christian business person needs to understand, and take seriously, if they are to lead a truly Kingdom business. If you are a Christian in business, you NEED to read this!
Bobby Aitken
Managing Director – Momentum Improvement Partners, Perth, Australia
Alistair displays significant insights into the spiritual realities of God’s Kingdom in the business realm. He describes with insight the fact that our actions, our unction, our obediences and our alliances significantly affect the spiritual and financial outcomes of our Christian business ventures and the Lord’s willingness to come alongside with blessing and protection.
Robert Lundgren
President – Joshua Ministries Canada
Former Corporate Executive
Vancouver, Canada
My husband Mike and I have known Alistair for over 15 years. His unique understanding of the past, informed insight on the present, give him the unique ability to see future trends, helping others skillfully navigate in an uncertain world. With his wise counsel and the help of a great team, I have experienced a high level of business success.
Debbie Bolton
Co-Founder & Global Chief Sales Officer – Norwex, Coppell, Texas, USA
Impacting! Revelatory! Compelling!
God’s Footprint in Business is a ground-breaking book for Christians involved in business. Today there is so much talk about digital transformation, but what is needed is spiritual transformation. Not only is this book sound theologically, it comes from many years of experience at ground level with communities and businesses throughout the world. Alistair has distilled what he has gathered and learned, and provided key insights and practical steps for application, challenging Christians in the marketplace to bring holiness into every facet of their business.
Is it possible to fathom the impact that a business can have on a community, city or nation, when that business is truly under the rule and reign of God? This book answers that question and is a foundational text for every Christian involved in business.
David and Margaret O’Connor
O’Connors Strata & Property Specialists, Parramatta, Australia
Good road map of best practices for a Kingdom Business. A brilliant and concise guide for business to know, love and serve Jesus in the Marketplace.
Greg Simpson
President & CEO – Simpson Seeds Inc., Saskatchewan
Canada’s Best Managed Private Companies